Happy International Women’s Day
On this international Women’s day 2021, we would like to take the time to express our appreciation for all the mothers, all the sisters, and all the wonderful women that shaped our lives and made them better. At SACFruits, we are a business that depends on women in our daily operations and a team that is inspired by the powerful women in our lives.
Through our company, we have cultivated an environment that puts women first, produces strong, healthy, eco friendly products that put our health first and products that are going to help us keep the women most important to us at their healthiest.
Do You think you know Mangoes? Certainly not in SACfruits Mango Energy Bites!!
Do you think you know mangoes? Think again! SACfruits Mango Energy Bites are one-biters to take you to the most paradisaic tropical beach and back in every bite. Close your eyes and feel the sand below your feet; that’s what these healthy, flavorful and vibrant bites bring to the table. We’re talking about all-natural, non-GMO, gluten-free snacks made with real mango slices with no sweeteners or preservatives. Just pure natural fruit you can carry around, enjoy while binge-watching movies or gift to a loved one.